When someone opens Adobe Photoshop for the first time they are faced with a powerful and often daunting image editing program. Certain tasks I've been given in the work place require the use of Photoshop to prepare advertising "creatives" and visual marketing tools. Also, I have needed to use Adobe After Effects to make animated videos.
I have never had any training with Photoshop or After Effects so the tasks I was assigned were fairly intimidating at first. Luckily Google pointed me in the direction of some great FREE training resources. In case anyone is seeking out some great tutorials for these programs I will post some great tutorial sources here.
- http://psdtuts.com/ - PSDTUTS is definitely my favorite source of Photoshop tutorials. The Website is easily navigated, and contains tons of great tutorials.
- http://abduzeedo.com/ - Abduzeedo: Funny Name - Serious Skills.
- http://www.tutorialized.com/ - Tutorialized.com has Tutorials for tons of programs like Photoshop, Flash, AutoCAD, and Cinema 4d to name a few.
- http://forums.creativecow.net/ - Creative Cow is a great tutorial site with a great supply of After Effects tutorials. The website can be a bit difficult to navigate at first depending on what you are searching for. Also, check out their podcasts: http://cowcast.creativecow.net/
Here are some images I have made with the help of some of their tutorials: